How to use Bertha AI Chrome Extension to help you write anything – anywhere

How to use Bertha AI Chrome Extension to help you write anything – anywhere

Attention all content creators! Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to Bertha AI – the chrome extension that utilises the power of Generative AI to create unique and engaging content for your website or social media.

With Bertha AI, you can easily create captivating headlines, articles, and even images with just a few clicks. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about duplicate content again. Note: All the text below was created for the video below using Bertha AI and her Whisper Module.

Created using Bertha AI, Camtasia and Produced by Andrew Palmer, Co Founder of Bertha AI and Founder of


Hi, it’s Andrew Palmer from Bertha AI and

We run a web agency and Bertha AI is one of our Chrome extensions. It’s also a WordPress plugin, but today I’m going to teach you how to use Bertha AI Chrome extension to help you write anything, anywhere.

Once you’ve installed the extension, she appears right there on your bottom right hand corner and you’ve got access to chat, ask me anything, some templates, which will help you write unique value propositions, content, rephrases, et cetera.

And there’s a very light image generator as well. And if you’re a podcaster, you can actually convert your audio up to 25 megabytes at a time to text and that’s about it.

So you can use the chat module. Let’s ask Bertha to write a Facebook post about Bertha AI. So I’ve asked write a Facebook post about Bertha AI, a Chrome extension that utilizes the power of open AI. So we can do that, but I want to add hashtags to that.

So all I do is ask the chat to add hashtags.

So there we are. We can now copy that, pop that into our Facebook post. Let’s use a blog post for the, for the benefit of anything, me mainly. And I can add those hashtags as well. And there we are.

Those hashtags that go along with my Facebook post. You can do exactly the same for Twitter as well. Now let’s write a long form post about a local plumber. For instance, this could be an electrician, a yoga place, any small business that you’re trying to write about, literally any small business. So write a blog post about the benefits of using a local plumber and make it about 1000 words.

So, that’s a nice long blog post that we’ve just written there. We can copy that and pop that into the block. And we don’t format this in chat for you because we want you to edit it because you should always use your own editing capabilities.

And you can go through there and change municipality to whatever your local place will be able to call it, et cetera.

But you know, just edit it yourself. It’s very, it’s very easy just to go through the blog post and make sure that everything is edited as you want to have it sorted out, especially when you’re using WordPress. Much, much easier to edit.

Now I’ve still got that blog post in Bertha. And what I want to do is I want to please summarize the text above press return and Bertha will look through that text and summarize it. And there we are. There was a bit, we’ve got a summary and you can put the summary at the top. So basically go there and paste in your summary.

So there you are.

That’s how you write a long blog post about plumbers. Now, lots of questions we get is how can I ask Bertha to write about or design a website for me?

Now Bertha currently doesn’t design websites and there’s no intention for us to go down that route because there’s other tools that can help you do that, specifically your imagination. But basically what I want to do is I want to ask Bertha to write me an intro introduction to a homepage for, let’s say a plumber.

Then I want a services page. Then I want an about us page. And then I want a contact page. And there we are.

So here’s our homepage content coming up. Here’s our services page. Here’s the deal page. Here’s the contact page. And what I can also do is ask Bertha to expand upon the services page. Hit generate.

As you can see, using AI to help you create content will speed up your content creation. If you’re a web developer, it will allow you to offer content creation services to your customers with obviously the caveat that they want to amend it or edit it once you’ve done. It gets rid of the fact that clients have difficulty coming up with content. But as you can see very quickly, we can build a plumber’s website, a yoga website, any kind of website that you like and fill it with content.

So let’s just copy all that data so that we’ve got it. Now, in ask me anything. It respects the paragraphs.

There you go. Very, very easy. Let’s get creating content with Bertha AI. Go to and see that it’s only $20 a month for a million words a month. Crazy, right? Good luck.

You can download the Chrome Extension here and get 1 million words a month for just 20 Dollars a month. It’s a no brainer.

What is the best way to market your Website

What is the best way to market your Website

In this day and age of AI – things are getting serious. Ai is prevalent in pretty much everything we do in our daily lives from Mobile Phones, Home Devices such as Google and Alexa and of course, traffic management and facial recognition.

So, what is the best way to market our website in this day and age of AI?

The best way to market your website in the age of AI is to use AI to your advantage. AI can help you with a variety of marketing tasks, such as:

As a business owner, you want to create content that resonates with your customers. With AI’s help, you can craft tailored content that is of the highest quality and suitable for use on different channels such as social media, email campaigns and your website.

AI also helps in optimizing your website so it ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This provides more visibility and better chances of drawing traffic towards your site. AI picks up technical issues that could hinder SEO and offers strategic solutions to fix them quickly.

Social media marketing requires regular posting, responding to comments, and running ads. AI can help you automate these tasks, freeing up time for other business needs.

Email marketing campaigns can be highly effective if targeted to specific groups. AI helps you create personalized content and segment your email lists so you can send messages that are more engaging and conversion-worthy.

AI can be a powerful tool for marketing your website. By using AI to your advantage, you can save time, improve your results, and reach more customers.

Here are some additional tips for marketing your website in the age of AI:

  • Focus on quality content: AI can help you create a lot of content, but it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. Make sure your content is well-written, informative, and engaging.
  • Be consistent: AI can help you automate some of your marketing tasks, but it’s important to be consistent with your marketing efforts. Post new content on your website regularly, and run social media ads and email marketing campaigns on a schedule.
  • Track your results: AI can help you track your marketing results so you can see what’s working and what’s not. This information can help you improve your marketing campaigns over time.

By following these tips, you can use AI to market your website effectively and reach more customers. Or, you can get a professional involved to build and maintain your website and help you with marketing too. The choice is always, yours.

This article was written with the help of Bertha AI

Why you should have a Maintenance Contract

WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. This popularity also makes it a target for hackers and other malicious actors looking to exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

WordPress has addressed many of these vulnerabilities through regular updates and security patches, but they are not foolproof and can still be vulnerable to attacks. It is difficult to determine the exact number of WordPress websites that have been hacked over the last two decades, but there have been several high-profile cases in recent years. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected over 300,000 computers globally, many of which were running on WordPress sites. The attack targeted vulnerabilities in outdated versions of the platform and highlighted the need for website owners to stay up to date on security updates and patches. Another notable hack was the Panama Papers leak in 2016, which revealed sensitive financial information belonging to high-profile individuals and companies.

The leak was caused by a vulnerability in the WordPress site used by the law firm responsible for the leak. These examples illustrate the importance of maintaining strong security measures when it comes to website management. This includes regularly updating the WordPress platform and plugins, choosing strong passwords, and implementing additional security measures such as two-factor authentication.

Just because these happened a while ago, doesn’t mean your site, NOW, is any safer. Improvements have been made in the core of WordPress for sure, but, websites still get hacked and you need to protect your business.

What steps can I take to avoid getting hacked in my WordPress website

There are several steps you can take to avoid getting hacked on a WordPress website.

Here are some of them:
1. Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated to their latest versions to ensure that security vulnerabilities are patched.
2. Secure your login with strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and a limit login attempts plugin.
3. Use a reputable hosting provider with server-level security measures in place and regular backups.
4. Install a security plugin to protect your website from attacks.
5. Remove any unused plugins and themes from your website.
6. Use HTTPS to encrypt data transferred between your website and the user’s browser.
7. Keep your computer and antivirus software up-to-date to avoid malware infections.
8. Change the default “admin” username to something unique to make it harder for hackers to guess.
9. Regularly scan your website for vulnerabilities and malware using tools.
10. Educate yourself on common hacking methods and stay vigilant by monitoring your website regularly for suspicious activity.

What if I don’t want to do the above, would it be better to employ a maintenance expert?

If you don’t want to take care of the above steps, it might be a good idea to employ a maintenance expert to help you maintain your WordPress website. A maintenance expert can take care of all the necessary updates and security measures to ensure your site is secure and running smoothly. They can also perform regular backups and implement disaster recovery plans if something goes wrong. This can be especially helpful if you’re not particularly tech-savvy or if you don’t have the time to keep up with WordPress maintenance tasks. It’s important to choose a reputable maintenance expert who has experience with WordPress and understands the latest best practices for security and performance. Remember that investing in regular maintenance can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run by preventing potential security breaches, downtime, and data loss.

It is as plain as the nose on your face

To avoid getting hacked on a WordPress website, you should keep your WordPress core, themes and plugins updated, secure your login, use a reputable hosting provider, install a security plugin, remove unused plugins and themes, use HTTPS, regularly scan your website for vulnerabilities and malware, and stay vigilant by monitoring for suspicious activity. If you don’t want to do these steps, employing a maintenance expert who understands best practices for security and performance can help ensure your site is secure and running smoothly.

Connect with us today and see how we can help you become safer on the internet.

This post was written with the help of Bertha AI