
Are websites over engineered?

Having gone through a literal nightmare with some sites we are migrating, I have to give a totally biased point of view and say yes! In my view, it’s ridiculous to have a website that is over 2GB on any server, anywhere, if you are a small business. And yes, you’re right, they were all on the cheapest, scummiest hosts that you can imagine and the clients wondered why their sites were always crashing – go figure!

Just in the last week, we have migrated sites that range between 7GB and 23GB – madness right? Just from a performance perspective – that’s some serious weight for servers to navigate and give great response times. One prospective client’s home page has over 100mb of video and images – imagine downloading that little lot on your mobile!

When looking at modern day websites, it’s not uncommon to come across some (a lot!) that are totally over-engineered. They are filled to the brim with massive images that slow down loading times, unwieldy navigation built with a plugin that takes an age and a half to load all the javascript for the snazzy menu’s that look more like a website within a website if you ask me, videos embedded directly on the page, and unnecessary motion graphics that do little to enhance the user experience. I dread to think the power these sites use with their umpteen query loops, 115 images to make one animation and so on.

Unless you’re a photographer or graphic artist, images should be there to enhance, not destroy your users experience.

Bride and groom at a very flashy wedding! Sparkles abound!

But who are these extravagant elements really impressing?

Certainly not the user, they are outta there if they have to wait more than a second or so to see what they searched for come to life! More often than not, they serve the ego of the website owner or designer rather than fulfilling a practical purpose. Unpopular opinion I know but, there you go…..

It’s time to strip away the flashy distractions and get back to basics. The web was initially intended as an informational resource designed to deliver results efficiently. Do you truly need that spinning animation or an oversized logo that dominates the entire page?

The answer is a resounding no.

What you need is a well-crafted website that prioritizes efficiency, user experience, and accessibility.

With the onset of regulations in Europe mandating website accessibility, it’s become more important than ever to ensure that your online presence is inclusive and user-friendly. Functionality should always take precedence over extravagant design elements that only serve to complicate optimization for speed, search engines, and user interaction.

As AI-driven search capabilities become increasingly integrated into search engines, websites that are accessible and primed for action will undoubtedly outperform those burdened with excess and unnecessary embellishments. It’s time to prioritize a clean, user-centric web design that not only resonates with you but also appeals to your potential customers.

So, bid farewell to embedded videos, oversized images, and superfluous design features. Instead, focus on creating a website that is accessible, efficient, and tailored to the needs of your users.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

In the realm of web development, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of extravagant design elements and flashy features. try to remember that the primary goal of a website is to provide information efficiently and effectively. While a spinning logo or oversized graphics may seem impressive at first glance, they often serve little purpose beyond stroking egos.

As we navigate a landscape where accessibility is increasingly prioritized (legally and rightfully) and search engines are becoming more AI-driven, we need to focus on creating websites that are user-friendly, fast, and optimized for success.

By embracing a clean, functional design that puts the user experience first, you can position your business for growth and engagement.

So, let go of the unnecessary frills and complexities. Opt for a streamlined approach that prioritizes accessibility, speed, and user interaction. Your website should not just be a reflection of your brand, but also a valuable tool that serves your audience effectively.

Prioritize functionality, and watch your online presence thrive in today’s competitive world.

As a company and website developer, we are always working towards making our own site and others more accessible, it is definitely a work in progress, but, at least we are trying, right?

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